- Relieve Pain
- Feel Better
- Be more Beautiful
- Virtually Painless
Using the proven methods of Sclerotherapy , Sonogram, and EVLT (internal laser) varicose and spider veins can be treated with a level of effectiveness and safety previously unattainable. If you suffer from problems related to varicose and spider veins you needn’t feel alone. Approximately 90 million people in the USA suffer from some form of vein disorder. While some seek treatment for cosmetic improvement, many are looking for medical relief of pain and other symptoms. Whichever category you may be in, there is help available. We have a 95% to 98% success rate!
Dr Peter S. Galati, DPM has been treating large varicose and small spider veins for over 22 years. He has a gentle hand and is known in South Florida as the vein doctor who cares. He has helped advance the treatment of the unsightly thigh and leg blemishes. To the surprise of many doctors in this field, many men and women are not aware that non-surgical care is available for these conditions of the lower extremities. Yet other patients have been successfully treated for unsightly or painful vessels and are well educated that treatment exists.