General Information
Fort Lauderdale Varicose & Spider Vein Clinic
Dr. Galati has been treating large varicose and small spider veins for over 12 years. He has a gentle hand and is known in South Florida as the vein doctor who cares. He has helped advance the treatment of the unsightly thigh and leg blemishes. To the surprise of many doctors in this field, many men and women are not aware that non-surgical care is available for these conditions of the lower extremities. Yet other patients have been successfully treated for unsightly or painful vessels and are well educated that treatment exists.
The History
In the 1940’s the French and Swiss started to develop a treatment regimen that safely treated small and medium sized vessels. They used a saline solution that caused these veins to shrink and slowly fade. Larger veins were still removed by surgery. Not long after, a liquid called Sotradecol was developed. Originally used as a local anesthetic for dental procedures, it was found to have the ability to cause the larger varicose veins to collapse and be absorbed into the body. This was a huge leap forward in this treatment arena. It was found to be a safe and virtually painless treatment for something that had been plaguing people for hundreds of years. This procedure is called Sclerotherapy , which means “to cause a scar”. The scarred vein is then absorbed into the body and slowly fades away.
The Sonogram
With the technical revolution came the sonogram, or ultrasound. Eventually doctors learned to use the sonogram to see veins and arteries besides using it to see the unborn fetus and deeper body structures. Coupled with advanced medication used to ablate veins, treatment took another giant leap forward. Doctors could now target deeper diseased veins. They could shrink the veins that were causing the problems seen on the surface of the skin. Removing these veins not only gave a good cosmetic result by taking away the appearance of ugly veins but also improved the circulatory system by directing blood flow to healthy vessels.
Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) is a procedure in which a fiber optic line is placed in very large varicose veins. This is the most advanced treatment of all and started being used extensively in 2004. It is used to treat very large, bulging cluster veins and is done entirely in the office. Dr. Galati also offers this procedure that rids the patient of hot, painful veins, amazingly with little or no pain. Here in South Florida, ladies and men’s legs are visible to hundreds of people each day! This warm weather we all enjoy causes us to wear shorts and skirts almost year round. Remember, vein care falls into two categories: cosmetic and medical. Small spiders and the non-bulging green veins are cosmetic. The large inflamed, bulging and painful veins are considered medical treatment. Dr. Galati treats both conditions.
The Treatments
1. For small spider veins, tiny needles about the thickness of human hair are used along with saline. Usually treatment is undetectable to the patient, causing little or no pain.
2. The larger veins are treated in conjunction with the sonogram and with the use of other medicinal agents.
3. Very large and bulging or cluster veins are treated with EVLT. A fiber optic cable is placed in the vein, connected to the laser and slowly withdrawn, closing the varicose vein, allowing them to collapse and slowly fade. Residual veins are treated with sclerotherapy. The EVLT procedure also produces very little pain. Patients are not put to sleep!
Generally a small wrap is put around the areas that were treated for small spider veins. This is kept on for about 12 hours. Larger veins require tighter compression hose . They are skin colored, thigh high and open toe. The days of ugly stockings are long gone. New lines of hose have made women and men more compliant patients.
Dr. Galati might recommend changes to your eating habits or even natural oral supplements that will help you rid of these unsightly blemishes along with treatment. The end result is more attractive and healthy legs. Become part of the growing number of happy and satisfied patients treated by this truly caring physician. Do not let ugly spider and varicose veins dictate what clothing you must wear. Dare to go bare! Your legs can look wonderful again. Make an appointment for your free examination today !
Become part of the growing number of happy and satisfied patients treated by this truly caring physician. Do not let ugly spider and varicose veins dictate what clothing you must wear. Dare to go bare! Your legs can look wonderful again. Make an appointment for your free examination today !